
Wednesday, November 25, 2009


With time I have come to understand the celebration of Thanksgiving as the equivalent of Violeta Parras' Gracias a la vida.
I’m also aware of how lucky I have been throughout all my life for having some very special friends. In this great country I learned the concept of the friend who is willing to go "the extra mile".
Going back to memory land, I remember a few that fit in this category; some who fought battles for me such as my dear art teacher and a monster of Cuban art Antonia Eiriz, my psychologist and humanist Alberto Edreira, and the Cuban "micro universe" that was Samuel Feijoo.
I have lived long enough in the USA to have gained long lasting, "extra mile" kind of friendships in this my adopted country: my dear Margaret Hoh "Peggy", former manager of the AKC Gazette, and Gustavo Valdés -who when I lost Ernesto- stood by me and who is my “partner in crime”... in all criminal acts of art.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Gustavo to the Rescue

Gustavo Valdés found and purchased this drawing of mine from eBay and gave it to me for my birthday last year. This piece was part of Samuel Feijoo's private collection and was never published in Signos Magazine. The title on the back reads: Estudio, trabajo y fusil (Study, work, and riffle). Well, if you look closely, this gun is too short to be a riffle, it is more like a pistol...the perfect weapon for suicides. So the new tittle is: Estudio, Trabajo y Suicidio / ink on paper / 1975.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Andy to the Rescue

Cojimar,1975 / Signos / Samuel Feijoo' collection.

I thank my friend Andy; the former owner of Gallery21 in Newark, for finding and buying from eBay this Blast from the Past. And best of all for giving it to me as a present.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Adela.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"I Love..." / No. 1

I Love... is my new series of small format ink and acrylic on paper: 7x7 inch sq.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

2012 / The Show

Cancer, 1975/Signos magazine/Cuba,1976.

Ophiuchus, 2009.

In the early 70s I began to work on The Zodiac. My idea was to complete all 12 signs. While I have done many, never got to do them all. In the next two month I will turn 58 and will exhibit at Jadite Galleries, NYC for the first time all 12 signs plus Ophiuchus, the infamous 13th sign.
Every 26,000 years, Ophiuchus appears; this time around in the midst of enigma and controversy.
Some believe it would mark the end of humankind, as proposed in the new movie 2012, to be released tomorrow.
I believe it would mark the birth of a new era; reason why I represent Ophiuchus in the shape of the digital sign "@".

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

This picture is twenty years old and it was taken by Ernesto Briel. We wanted to be part of History in the making. Being from Cuba and all; we really deserved it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ernesto Briel & the Geometric Abstraction

Ernesto Briel / Cuba, 1943 / USA, 1992.


November 7 marks the 66th birthday of the late Cuban master Ernesto Briel. E. Briel has been credited with being one of the first to produce (and introduce) Op Art in Cuba, in the 1960s. To celebrate this anniversary, art historian and independent curator Gustavo Valdes has released a CD ROM dedicated to the life and work of this distinguished artist. The volume contains an essay authored by Valdes along with years of critical acclaims and reviews, a detailed curriculum vitae, a large inventory of the artist’s career through images of Briel’s oeuvre and personal photos of his travels and exhibitions. Those interested in acquiring a copy may contact Gustavo Valdes at

Thursday, November 5, 2009

CEPP SELGAS / The 13th Sign / Recent Works

Ophiuchus is coming soon to Jadite Galleries, January, 2010.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Con selgasArt quise hacer una especie de Blog-Dossier de lo que el artista pinta; pero después de la entrevista con El Imparcial Digital; la cosa pinta como para... ¿Y el animal habla?

Espacio Bi-Tongo:

Nada que ver con el que le dió a Bolondrongo.
En la escuela más bien los Bolondrongos le pegaban al Bitongo.
Suerte que los Bolondrongos ignoraban que estos chicos raros tenían dos cosa hubiera sido un poquito más sangrienta.
Mi intención es principalmente apelar a un término mal usado en nuestra Babilonia tropical, y para colmo injusto.
Así que en lengua "USA-castellanotropical"; quiero agradecerles a todos la bienvenida dada a mi blog; muy de esperar si te lanza la mismísima Zoé Valdés. Lucky boy!

En orden analfabético gracias a: Eufrates, Zoe, Natacha, Diana y Gustavo...for the basics.
Y muchas gracias a , David Lago, Alen Lauzan, Guama, Alfredo Pong, Iris Wirth, Belkis Cusa Male, Charly Bravo, Turandot, Aguaya, Frida Masdeu, Taoro, Troglo, Jecuevas, El tinajon, July del Rio, Olga, Tonino, Liborio, Garrincha, Chiquititacubana, Miobe, los varios anonimos y a otros amigos y familiares via email.